CORTINA 1988-1992
Furono tre le città che si candidarono per ospitare i Giochi Olimpici Invernali del 1988: Calgary, Falun e Cortina d'Ampezzo. La selezione si svolse durante l'84a Sessione del Comitato Olimpico Internazionale (CIO) a Baden-Baden (Germania Ovest), il 30 settembre 1981. Cortina d'Ampezzo venne eliminata al primo turno di votazioni, al secondo e ultimo turno di votazioni, Calgary vinse su Falun, con un margine di 17 voti.
The selection process for the 1988 Winter Olympics consisted of three bids, and saw Calgary, Alberta, Canada, be selected ahead of Falun, Sweden, and Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy. The selection was made at the 84th International Olympic Committee (IOC) Session in Baden-Baden, West Germany, on 30 September 1981. After Cortina d'Ampezzo was eliminated in the first round of balloting, Calgary won in the second and final round of balloting over Falun, by a margin of 17 votes.
Libro per la candidatura di Cortina ai Giochi Olimpici Invernali del 1988 (clicca sull'immagine per leggere il libro on-line)
Book for Cortina's candidature for the 1988 Winter Olympics (click on the image to read the book online)
Book for Cortina's candidature for the 1988 Winter Olympics (click on the image to read the book online)
La medaglia ufficiale della Sessione del Cio del 1981 a Baden Baden.
The official medal of the 1981 IOC Session in Baden Baden.
The official medal of the 1981 IOC Session in Baden Baden.
Lettera del Presidente del Consiglio Arnaldo Forlani ai membri del CIO
Letter from Prime Minister Arnaldo Forlani to the IOC members
Letter from Prime Minister Arnaldo Forlani to the IOC members
Candidatura di Cortina d'Ampezzo ai Giochi Olimpici Invernali 1988: questionario per radio e televisione
Clicca per leggere il libro.
Candidature of Cortina d'Ampezzo for the 1988 Winter Olympics: questionnaire for radio and television
Click to read the book.
Clicca per leggere il libro.
Candidature of Cortina d'Ampezzo for the 1988 Winter Olympics: questionnaire for radio and television
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Presentazione della candidatura di Cortina 1992 al Comitato Esecutivo del CIO riunito a Berlino il 3 giugno 1985
Presentation of the Cortina 1992 bid to the IOC Executive Committee meeting in Berlin on 3 June 1985
Presentation of the Cortina 1992 bid to the IOC Executive Committee meeting in Berlin on 3 June 1985
Candidatura di Cortina d'Ampezzo per i Giochi Olimpici Invernali del 1992: risposte al questionario del Comitato Olimpico Internazionale (CIO) e delle Federazioni Internazionali (FI), stampa, radio e televisione
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Candidature of Cortina d'Ampezzo for the 1992 Winter Olympic Games: answers to the questionnaire of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and International Federations (IF), press, radio and television
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Clicca per sfogliare il libro
Candidature of Cortina d'Ampezzo for the 1992 Winter Olympic Games: answers to the questionnaire of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and International Federations (IF), press, radio and television
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Libro per la promozione della Candidatura di Cortina pe le Olimpiadi Invernali del 1992, edito dalla regione Friuli Venezia Giulia.
Book for the promotion of Cortina's candidature for the 1992 Winter Olympics, published by the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region.
Book for the promotion of Cortina's candidature for the 1992 Winter Olympics, published by the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region.
The return of the Winter Olympics to Cortina, the Queen of the Dolomites, after the almost heroic days of 1956, is not just a desire of the active and hard-working population that lives in this fortunate corner of Italy, but an intimate aspiration of every athlete, every sports manager, every sports enthusiast who believes in the purity of the Olympic Games and recognises their true nature, warm atmosphere, only if they take place in a natural environment that is still intact, like that of an Alpine village, where everything is just a few steps away from the doorstep, where the air you breathe is pure, where you do not know the neurosis, the megalomania and the uncomfortableness of the big city metropolises. Organising an Olympics in Cortina means returning to simplicity, functionality and spirit, the costs of which are ultimately borne by the world community. Cortina d'Ampezzo has all the necessary equipment for the Winter Olympics and its sports facilities are located within a radius of 5 kilometres. Its average altitude of 1,200 metres, its predominantly dry climate, the calmness of the winds in its basin protected to the north by the Dolomites, the long hours of sunshine even in winter, the safety of snowfall, and its complete tourist and accommodation facilities all guarantee the success of an Olympic Games, even from the technical point of view of sporting results. Before proposing Cortina d'Ampezzo's candidature again, the municipal administration carefully evaluated all these aspects and unanimously decided to give its opinion, which immediately turned from favourable to enthusiastic. We are certain, therefore, that when the Olympic Games return to our town, everyone will feel at home and, what is most important, will find the best part of themselves.
Medaglia commemorativa fatta coniare dal Comitato Promotore per la candidatura di Cortina per l'organizzazione dei Giochi Olimpici Invernali del 1992. Questa medaglia è stata realizzata in vermeil, argento e bronzo.
Commemorative medal minted by the Promotional Committee for Cortina's candidature to host the 1992 Winter Olympics. This medal was made of vermeil, silver and bronze.
CORTINA 1944-1952
AOSTA 1988 - MILANO 2000