ROMA 1960 > FOTO
Scene di vita al villaggio olimpico
Scenes of life in the Olympic village
Era la prima cosa che facevano gli atleti appena arrivati al Villaggio Olimpico: una foto con la statua di bronzo della Lupa Capitolina posta all'ingresso del Villaggio.
It was the first thing the athletes did as soon as they arrived at the Olympic Village: take a photo with the bronze statue of the Lupa Capitolina at the entrance to the Village.
Il centometrista tedesco Armin Hary all'arrivo al Villaggio Olimpico, davanti alla Lupa Capitolina.
The German Armin Hary arriving at the Olympic Village, in front of the Lupa Capitolina.
The German Armin Hary arriving at the Olympic Village, in front of the Lupa Capitolina.
la nuotatrice americana Chris Von Saltza all'arrivo al Villaggio Olimpico, davanti alla Lupa Capitolina.
The American swimmer Chris Von Saltza and the German Armin Hary arriving at the Olympic Village, in front of the Lupa Capitolina.
The American swimmer Chris Von Saltza and the German Armin Hary arriving at the Olympic Village, in front of the Lupa Capitolina.

Dana Zatopkova al suo arrivo al Villaggio Olimpico
Dana Zatopkova on arrival at the Olympic Village
Dana Zatopkova on arrival at the Olympic Village

Abebe Bikila davanti alla Lupa Capitolina
Abebe Bikila in front of the Capitoline She-wolf
Abebe Bikila in front of the Capitoline She-wolf

Le strade all'interno del Villaggio Olimpico portavano il nome delle nazioni partecipanti ai Giochi e gli atleti si facevano immortalare davanti al cartello indicante in nomne della propria nazione.
The streets within the Olympic Village were named after the nations participating in the Games and the athletes had their pictures taken in front of the sign indicating the name of their nation.
I canottieri tedeschi Litz, Effertz, Riekeman e Cintl posano per una foto iin una strada davanti al Villlaggio Olimpico intitolata alla Germania.
German rowers Litz, Effertz, Riekeman and Cintl pose for a photo in a street in front of the Olympic Village named after Germany.
German rowers Litz, Effertz, Riekeman and Cintl pose for a photo in a street in front of the Olympic Village named after Germany.
La squada ciclistica indonesiana accompagnata dalll'allenatore Maurice Loongo.
Indonesian cycling team accompanied by coach Maurice Loongo.
Indonesian cycling team accompanied by coach Maurice Loongo.

Le gare olimpiche, per la prima volta, venivano trasmesse in televisione, e gli atleti russi si riunivano davanti al bar del Villaggio per seguire i loro amici impegnati nei vari impiati sportivi romani.
For the first time, the Olympic competitions were broadcast on television, and Russian athletes gathered in front of the Village bar to follow their friends in the various Roman sporting events.

Al ristorante del Villaggio Olimpico, gli atleti scaricavano la loro tensione davanti ad un piatto di spaghetti.
At the Olympic Village restaurant, the athletes relieved their tension over a plate of spaghetti.
Il saltatore americano Thomas al ristorante del Villaggio.
American jumper Thomas at the Village restaurant.
American jumper Thomas at the Village restaurant.

Il ciclista lussemburghese Andring a tavola.
Luxembourg cyclist Andring at the restaurant.
Luxembourg cyclist Andring at the restaurant.

Atleti svizzeri durante il pasto al ristorante del villaggio olimpico.
Swiss athletes during a meal at the Olympic village restaurant.
Swiss athletes during a meal at the Olympic village restaurant.

Ray Morton e Wilma Rudolph con altri atleti americani al ristorante del Villaggio.
Ray Morton and Wilma Rudolph are shown with others in the International Restaurant at the Olympic Village.
Ray Morton and Wilma Rudolph are shown with others in the International Restaurant at the Olympic Village.

Momenti di relax al Villaggio Olimpico
Relaxing moments in the Olympic Village
La campionessa olimpica Barbara Brown balla un "boogie-woogie" al bar del Villaggio.
Olympic champion Barbara Brown dances a 'boogie-woogie' at the Village bar.
Olympic champion Barbara Brown dances a 'boogie-woogie' at the Village bar.

Atleti mella lavanderia del Villaggio.
Athletes in the Village Laundry.
Athletes in the Village Laundry.
Il grande atleta cecoslovacco Emil Zatopek, a Roma per accompagnare la moglie Dana vincitrice della medaglia d'argento nel giavelltto, corre per le strade del Villaggio Olimpico.
The great Czechoslovak athlete Emil Zatopek, in Rome to accompany his wife Dana who won the silver medal in the javelin, runs through the streets of the Olympic Village.
The great Czechoslovak athlete Emil Zatopek, in Rome to accompany his wife Dana who won the silver medal in the javelin, runs through the streets of the Olympic Village.
Il pugile Cassius Clay al negozio di scarpe del Villaggio.
Boxer Cassius Clay at the Village shoe shop.
Boxer Cassius Clay at the Village shoe shop.
Il saltatore americano Thomas con il piccolo fratello al Villaggio Olimpico.
American jumper Thomas with his little brother in the Olympic Village.
American jumper Thomas with his little brother in the Olympic Village.

Gli atleti dal barbiere.
Athletes in the barbershop.
Athletes in the barbershop.

"Jesse Owens, in qualità di vecchio sovrano onorato dal riverente rispetto di tutto il mondo dell'atletica, era a Roma. Era particolarmente interessato alle gare che un tempo furono sue e aveva fatto sapere, tramite un giornalista tedesco, che gli sarebbe piaciuto incontrare Hary. Ma Hary l'aveva liquidato in modo spiccio, sibilando un secco "Spiacente, ma non ho tempo da perdere". Owens la prese serenamente e rispose: "Sono stato evitato da gente anche più impegnata, però mai da qualcuno più veloce". L'incontro però avvenne, qualche giorno dopo, al Villaggio Olimpico.
"Jesse Owens, as an old ruler honoured by the reverent respect of the whole athletics world, was in Rome. He was particularly interested in the races that had once been his and had let it be known, via a German journalist, that he would like to meet Hary. But Hary had dismissed him bluntly, hissing, 'Sorry, but I don't have time for this. Owens took it calmly and replied, 'I've been avoided by people who are busier, but never by someone faster. The meeting took place a few days later in the Olympic Village.
"Jesse Owens, as an old ruler honoured by the reverent respect of the whole athletics world, was in Rome. He was particularly interested in the races that had once been his and had let it be known, via a German journalist, that he would like to meet Hary. But Hary had dismissed him bluntly, hissing, 'Sorry, but I don't have time for this. Owens took it calmly and replied, 'I've been avoided by people who are busier, but never by someone faster. The meeting took place a few days later in the Olympic Village.

Il giorno prima della Cerimonia inaugurale, al Villaggio lOlimpico e squadre preparavano la sfilata iniziale.
The day before the Inaugural Ceremony, in the Olympic Village, teams prepared the initial parade.