Cerimonia di chiusura
The Closing Ceremony of the VIIth Olympic Winter Games was preceded by an exhibition of figure skating by the Olympic champions (mens' singles', ladies' solo, and pairs) and by the official presentation of medals to the winners of the Special Jumping event. The flag-bearers of all the Countries participating in the Games then entered the arena, preceded by a group of 24 standard-bearers, carrying Olympic banners; after them came a group of six Italian athletes bearing the banner of the Winter Games; which had been donated by the City of Oslo, in 1952. To the sound of the Greek National Anthem, the Greek flag was run up on the right-hand flag-staff; the central one was then occupied by the Italian flag, to the playing of the Italian National Anthem, since Italy had organized the VIIth Olympic Winter Games; lastly the American flag was hoisted to the strains of the American National Anthem, as America was to organize the VIIIth Olympic Winter Games, at Squaw Valley, in 1960.