Emozione Olimpica Benincasa
TORINO 2006 MUSEUM > TUTTA CARTA - Paper > Poster
Il Professor Antonino Benincasa (1967 Siersburg, Germania), è un designer di fama internazionale ha più di 20 anni di esperienza nel design in Germania, Svizzera, Olanda e Italia. Si è laureato in Comunicazione Visiva presso l'Università di Scienze Applicate 'HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd' in Germania nel 1993. E' noto soprattutto per i suoi lavori per i XX Giochi Olimpici Invernali di Torino 2006. Nel 2001 la sua agenzia di design 'Husmann-Benincasa Corporate & Brand Design' è stata incaricata dal TOROC (Comitato Organizzatore delle Olimpiadi di Torino) di progettare la Corporate Identity dei Giochi Olimpici Invernali "Torino 2006", dei Giochi Paraolimpici e di tutti i relativi sub-brands.
Antonino Benincasa (*1967 Siersburg, Germany), is an internationally renowned designer, has more than 20 years of design experience in Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands and Italy. He graduated in Visual Communication from the University of Applied Sciences, ‹HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd› in Germany in 1993. Benincasa as creative director of his design agency ‹Husmann-Benincasa Corporate & Brand Design› he designed the Logo and the corporate Identity of the 2006 Turin Olympic Winter Games. In 2001 his design agency ‹Husmann-Benincasa Corporate & Brand Design› was commissioned by TOROC (Turin Organizing Committee) to design the Corporate Identity of the Olympic Wintergames Torino 2006, the Paraolympic Games and of all related sub-brands.

Nel suo sito ufficiale, il Professor Benincasa ha presentato così il suo lavoro per le Olimpiadi di Torino:
Professor Benincasa presented his work for the Turin Olympics on his official website:
The poster concept
""The Olympic Winter Games of Torino 2006 had 15 diciplines. In the past for the olympic diciplines had been design poster series (the most famous and still the best is the one of Otl Aicher for the Summer Olympics of Munich 1972). At the early begining I was convinced to do design at last 2 variations for each sport dicipline. I had different resons for that concpet. My idea was alo to use the illustrations for product and i wanted to have not only repeated the same motive. Besides that I thought its obsulate to design one "embelmatic poster" for one sport dicipline a poster is not a logo. A poster should trasport emotions in a mre persoanl way. It's like music not everbody likes to hear repeatavly the same piece over and over again. From a from a formal-aesthetic point of view I decided to use the morphological structure of the poster folllow the brand concept whch I introduced for the corporate identity. Transparacy, the use of the ellipse, strr. I pressented the posters in 2005 wtih the idea to launch them for the begingn of the games. The poster series remaind an concept and did not been produced by the TOROC.""