Lbri Ufficiali

L'Istituto geografico militare di Firenze fu incaricato di stampare cinquemila copie di una speciale edizione della carta topografica di Cortina d'Ampezzo e dintorni, scala 1:25.000, a colori, con rilievo aero-fotogrammetrico del 1954. Sulla carta erano sovrimpresse in rosso tutte le piste di sci e gli altri campi di gara, le diverse sedi della organizzazione e gli alberghi principali, con i relativi numeri di riferimento. La carta era contenuta in una copertina, formato tascabile, che recava nella prima facciata il simbolo dei Giochi a colori e la scritta trilingue «Pianta olimpica di Cortina». Nella seconda facciata era stampata la descrizione riguardante i numeri di riferimento.
In compliance with rule 53 of the I.O.C., the programs and general rules of each sport were printed in a single booklet instead of one for each sport. The booklet, was 19x13 in size, pocket-size, 102 pages long and included the following: the program - the general timetable - the diagram of the O.C. and its services - the lists of the members of the O.I.C., the C.N.O. and the C.O.N.I. - the charter of the Olympic Games, the statutes and regulations of the O.I.C. - the daily schedule of competitions - the protocol ceremonies. 1500 copies were printed in the French version, and 1500 in the English. In October, 1955, the booklets were sent to all members of the International Olympic Committee, of the International Federations, and of the National Fede-rations; to the various attachés and to other diplomatic representatives. Indiv-idual copies were distributed to all the heads and officials of the Organization; and one by one as they arrived, the Heads of Teams were given copies for their own groups. Similarly, on their appearance at Cortina, all accredited pressmen and radio commentators were given a copy.