Nel primo trimestre 1957 fu edito e diffuso il primo numero del Bollettino Ufficiale, con lo scopo di fornire alla stampa tutte le notizie riguardanti l'organizzazione olimpica. Giova ricordare che il Bollettino, del formato di cm. 21x31, stampato in offset a due o più colori, redatto in tre lingue, raggiunse in 22 numeri una tiratura complessiva di 557.000 esemplari. Il Bollettino fu spedito al C.I.O., ai membri del C.I.O., ai Comitati Olimpici Nazionali, alle Federazioni Sportive Italiane e Internazionali, ai Comitati Provinciali del C.O.N.I., alle autorità politiche italiane, ai giornali italiani e stranieri, agli Enti Turistici, alle Agenzie di viaggio, alle Associazioni Alberghiere a Enti e Istituti vari.
The Italian National Olympic Committee starts with this issue the publication of the “Official Bulletin” which will be distributed in Italy and abroad during the four-year period preceding the Olympic Games. The “Official Bulletin” which will be published in three languages (French, English and Italian) will be published according to the following schedule : two issues in 1957 (April and October) ; 4 issues in 1958 (quarterly publication) ; 6 issues in 1959 (every two months) and from January up to August 1960 the publication will be issued every month. The “Official Bulletin” will be forwarded to the following adresses: - To all members of CIO; to the International Olympic Committee: to National Olympic Committees; to International Sport Federations; to the Italian Sport Federations; to the I.N.O.C. Provincial Committees; to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers; to the Italian and foreign press; to Embassies accredited to the Italian Republic and to the Vatican State; to Italian Embassies abroad; to Consulates and Vice-Consulates ; to Tourist Organizations; to Cultural Institutes; to Hotel Associations; to Travel Agencies and Shipping Companies; to miscellaneous organizations and institutes. Editor : 14, Via Crescenzio, Rome. Manager : Mr. Marcello Garroni.