Da (from) Atene a (to) Siracusa

Nella notte greca una baleniera con alcuni cadetti dell’Accademia Navale s’accostò alla nave scuola della Marina Militare, dove la fiaccola fu issata a bordo da Giulio Francardi e dove il fuoco d’Olimpia, vegliato a turno, arse giorno e notte su un tripode del cassero. La Amerigo Vespucci giunse a Siracusa con la sacra fiamma che ancora ardeva nel braciere e subito le andarono incontro due corvette, che la scortarono fino alla rada, poco vicino Fonte Aretusa. In Sicilia, dopo l’accensione del braciere, primo tedoforo sarebbe stato l’arbitro di calcio Concetto Lo Bello.
During the Greek night, a whaler with some cadets from the Naval Academy approached the training ship of the Italian Navy, where the torch was hoisted aboard by Giulio Francardi and where the Olympic fire, watched over in turn, burned day and night on a tripod on the quarterdeck. The Amerigo Vespucci arrived in Syracuse with the sacred flame still burning in the brazier and was immediately met by two corvettes, which escorted it to the roadstead, just near Fonte Aretusa. In Sicily, after the brazier was lit, the first torchbearer would be football referee Concetto Lo Bello.

The aerogram of the helicopter ground transport of mail, cancelled on the Amerigo Vespucci ship during the crossing from Athens to Syracuse
Envelope from the Nave Vespucci cancelled during the crossing

The route of the Olympic Torch in a map published by the Organising Committee of the Games of the XVII Olympiad