Having waited long years and overcome adverse circumstances which in the past did not allow Rome's ambitions to be satisfied, finally on 15th June 1955 in the 50th Session at Paris, the International Olympic Committee, thanks above all to the careful preparation submitted by the Italian Olympic Committee, awarded the celebration of the Games of the XVII Olympiad to the Italian capital. It should be remembered that on that occasion Avv. Giulio Onesti, Dr. Bruno Zauli, respectively President and Secretary-General of the Italian National Olympic Committee and Ing. Salvatore Rebecchini, Mayor of Rome, with the intention of disposing the I. O. C.'s decision in Rome's favour, succeeded in creating an atmosphere of cordial understanding in the halls of the ancient Parisian palace of Faubourg Saint-Honore taking infinite pains to produce copious documentation, photographs, designs, graphs and plans, all collected in clear order and illustrated with a wealth of details and the supporting proof of figures.

Le altre città candidate erano: Losanna, Detroit, Budapest, Bruxelles, Città del Messico e Tokyo. Roma, come detto, ha avuto la meglio nell'ultimo ballottaggio, dopo che i primi due si erano conclusi con un nulla di fatto, dato che nessuna delle città candidate aveva raggiunto i 30 voti necessari.
Rome beat out Lausanne, Detroit, Budapest (being the first city of the Eastern Bloc to bid for the Olympic Games), Brussels, Mexico City and Tokyo for the rights to host the Games.
I libri con i progetti per le candidature (Bid-book) di Losanna, Detroit, Città del Messico e Tokyo
The books with projects for candidacy (Bid-book) of Lausanne, Detroit, Mexico City and Tokyo

La notizia dell'assegnazione dei Giochi Olimpici del 1960 a Roma su riviste e quotidiani italiani
The news of the assignment of the 1960 Olympic Games in Rome, in Italian magazine and newspapers